In my humble opinion, Soke isn't teaching us how to fight, he is teaching us how to live! He just happens to be doing that through the medium of martial arts/"fighting". Don't lose sight of the big picture by getting bogged down by the medium. While we should all strive to be the best that we can, "fighting" is only one facet of living and surviving, not living itself!
-- Pete Reynolds
News / Updates
Videos Available
Three seminar videos are now available for purchase and download, Sweden 2013, Sweden 2014, and Australia 2018.
Australia 2018 Seminar
Video Details: 720p HD, 3hrs 1min, ¥2,500
Sweden 2014 Seminar
Video Details: 720p HD, 3hrs 17min, ¥1,500
Sweden 2013 Seminar
Video Details: 720p HD, 2hr 11m, ¥1,500
ALL 3 Videos (Sweden 2013, Sweden 2014, & Australia 2018
ALL 3 videos: 720p HD, 8hrs 29min, ¥4,000
Please, see HERE for PayPal and download instructions.
Travel Schedule
Dates for USA 2023 currently in progress. Pete is looking forward to traveling to the States again summer 2023. Please see the sidebar to the right for dates and links to upcoming scheduled events.
If you have an interest in training with Pete in your area please, feel free to contact him HERE.
Dai-shihan Award
Bujinkan Dai-shihan Award recipient Autumn 2017.

Yushu Shihan Award
Yushu Shihan recipient Autumn 2015.

Bufu Ikkan Award
Bufu Ikkan Award recipient Summer 2014.

Bujinkan Gold Medal
Bujinkan Gold Medal recipient Spring 2011.